CodeSmile AssetDatabase 1.9
Unity's AssetDatabase in enjoyable, consistent, concise, convenient, comprehensible, safe, documented form.
No Matches

◆ CreateOrLoad< T >()

static T CreateOrLoad< T > ( [NotNull] Path path,
[NotNull] Func< T > getInstance )

Loads or creates an asset at path.

Will first attempt to load the asset at path. If this fails, will create an asset from the object returned by getInstance. This is an alias for CodeSmileEditor.Asset.LoadOrCreate{T}.

pathPath to an asset file.
getInstanceFunc that returns a UnityEngine.Object
Template Parameters
TUnityEngine.Object derived type.
The loaded or created object of type T, or null if the object is not of type T. Note that the asset file gets created in this case.
See also
Type Constraints
T :Object