CodeSmile AssetDatabase 1.9
Unity's AssetDatabase in enjoyable, consistent, concise, convenient, comprehensible, safe, documented form.
No Matches
Change Log

v1.9.1 - Feb 01, 2024

  • API Changes: These static methods have been MOVED from Asset to Asset.File:
    • GetMainType
    • GetSubType
    • GetGuid
    • GetFileId
    • GetGuidAndFileId
    • Rationale: These methods hindered API discovery via auto-completion by cluttering the Asset namespace, and they truly belong to the File API since they query asset file attributes.
  • Fixed: 2021.3 shows warning when copying (duplicate, save as new) an asset, complaining that filename must match asset object name. This is likely a bug in Unity.
  • Fixed the same 2021.3 issue in workflow sample. Also required importing batched asset after copying them.
  • Asset.File.Import takes IEnumerable as input (not just array)

v1.8.6 - Jan 30, 2024

  • added Sample: Asset Workflow with GUI. Allows selecting between CodeSmile and Unity API. Unity API code is 33% more lines/characters, with folder creation hardcoded.

v1.8.5 - Jan 29, 2024

  • added Asset.File.FindPaths overload accepting Path[]
  • added Asset.Label.GetAll overload accepting Path
  • added Asset.Label.Remove and Asset().RemoveLabel
  • fixed invalid cast exception (Asset.Path[] to string[])
  • removed add sub-asset check for ".asset" extension. Turns out you can also add subassets to a .mesh extension asset and there may be others.

v1.8.4 - Jan 24, 2024

  • added asset lifetime sample script
  • updated documentation

v1.8.3 - Jan 22, 2024

  • Importer tests: disable some tests in 2021.3 because the method is not available
  • Rename test: log warning in 2021.3 to mention that the following warning is expected

v1.8.2 - Dec 26, 2023

  • updated README and API docs
  • removed extra call to "ImportIfNotImported" in load asset method chain

v1.8.1 - Dec 21, 2023

  • added AvailableImporters property
  • added missing Asset.Importer, Asset.Path and Asset.File.Create tests

v1.8.0 - Dec 09, 2023

  • renamed ForceReserializeAssets to UpgradeAssetSerializationVersion and
  • renamed ForceReserializeAllAssets to UpgradeAllAssetSerializationVersions (*)

(*) To provide more rationale: I saw a user's script where the user helplessly threw in the usual candidates due to some issue, but this also included "ForceReserializeAssets". That's when I realized the name of the method only describes what it does internally but not its intent respectively what it should be used for: upgrading the version (format) of serialized assets when you change editor versions and you want version control not polluting these upgrades in individual future commits.

v1.7.1 - Dec 05, 2023

  • rename package to de.codesmile.assetdabase (removed the 'editor' part)
  • Asset.File.Delete avoids unnecessary warning message from Unity if path.Exists is false

v1.7.0 - Dec 03, 2023

  • Import() throws if file does not exist
  • added setter to ActiveImporter property
  • removed SetActiveImporterToDefault and SetActiveImporter methods
  • added [NotNull] attributes
  • code cleanup

v1.6.0 - Nov 30, 2023

  • changed namespace from CodeSmile.Editor.* to CodeSmileEditor.*
  • new Asset(Path) now auto-imports assets that exist on disk but not in DB
  • changed load methods to import assets that exist on disk but not in DB
  • added create asset from string (ctor and Asset.Create)
  • added create asset from byte[] (ctor and Asset.Create)
  • added ImportAndLoad<T>
  • added Import(Path[]) to batch-import multiple assets
  • added IsImported(Path)
  • added setter to DirectoryMonitoring
  • added Database.Contains back and redirected Status.IsImported (same)
  • added paths to all important subfolders (eg Packages, Library, ..)
  • split Create into Create and CreateAsNew
  • split Copy into Copy and CopyAsNew
  • renamed Copy instance method to SaveAs and SaveAsNew
  • renamed FailedToDeletePaths to PathsNotDeleted
  • renamed ToAssetPaths(Object[]) to Get(Object[])
  • fixed compile errors in some Unity versions
  • GetIcon returns Texture2D

v1.4.1 - Nov 24, 2023

  • added static GetMainType(guid)

v1.4.0 - Nov 24, 2023

  • added static GetSubType
  • renamed Status IsForeignAsset to IsForeign
  • renamed Status IsNativeAsset to IsNative
  • renamed Database DirectoryMonitoringEnabled to DirectoryMonitoring
  • renamed Dependency Set to Register
  • renamed Dependency Remove to Unregister
  • renamed Importer SaveSettings to ApplySettings
  • renamed Path OpenFolder to OpenExternal
  • renamed Path UniquifyFilename to UniquifyFileName (camel case)
  • removed various ExcludeFromCodeCoverage attributes, added comment with reason to the remaining ones

v1.3.1 - Nov 24, 2023

  • added several 'Object' getters to methods with only 'Path' parameters
  • added static GetGuid method
  • added static GetGuidAndFileId method

v1.3.0 - Nov 23, 2023

  • Fixed all technical documentation issues.
  • CreateFolders now internalized the assumption that the last part of a path, if it contains no extension, is also a folder.
  • Removed FolderPathAssumptive
  • FolderPath does not throw but returns null if called on a root folder path ie "Assets".

v1.2.1 - Nov 22, 2023

  • Fixed compile error in Unity 2021.3.
  • Tested in all minor Unity versions from 2021.3 through 2023.3.

v1.2.0 - Nov 22, 2023

  • First release that's nearly complete. Redesign for 99% of all AssetDatabase methods.
  • Major refactoring of API Design.

v1.1.4 - Nov 13, 2023

  • Fixed a compile error in Unity 2021.3.

v1.1.3 - Nov 12, 2023

  • Documentation added and updated.

v1.1.0 - Nov 10, 2023

  • Mainly refactoring.

v1.0.0 - Nov 9, 2023

  • First release