CodeSmile AssetDatabase 1.9
Unity's AssetDatabase in enjoyable, consistent, concise, convenient, comprehensible, safe, documented form.
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◆ MakeEditableInteractive() [1/2]

static Boolean MakeEditableInteractive ( [NotNull] Path[] paths,
out List< String > notEditablePaths,
String prompt = null )

Tries to open multiple paths for editing in the version control system. Shows a prompt to the user unless the editor is in batch operation mode.

Use CodeSmileEditor.Asset.VersionControl.CanMakeEditable to get an error message for individual paths.

pathsPaths to assets.
notEditablePathsList of paths that are not editable. Is empty if all paths are editable.
promptA message for the interactive dialog or null to use the default message.
True if the paths are now editable, false if at least one failed to open.
See also